2014 Get-A-Wag Standards of Care
Health Prevention for adults
Proper diet of an APPROVED non-corn based ‘meat-first’ dog food or another high quality food with a minimal amount of corn and not relying on questionable meat by-products. Foundations favorite brand of food is Taste of the Wild (Bison--for adults and Puppy--until they are fully immunized)
Monthly De-wormings on a rotation schedule to vary products is required. Pyrantel Pamoate for the youngest, Safeguard or Panacur for the older pups, and other de-wormers as approved by the foundation.
Monthly use of a combination flea/heartworm/skin mite topical product is required to deter fleas, heartworms and skin mites. This should be Revolution or Advantage Multi (Advocate) as other preparations are not as effective or cost efficient. These 2 products do not repel ticks so if you have them use an additional product for them.
Regular yearly puppy booster vaccinations and rabies vaccination is required. Rabies must be given at the age of 16weeks or as per State laws and then every 3 years if that is the law for your state. Some states require yearly rabies vaccines.
Regular yearly health checks and dental cleaning as needed.
Notification of the foundation if any dog becomes ill or has a health condition--you will be responsible for vet bills.
Take to veterinarian as needed for illness or injury, notifying foundation of visit as it happens and give foundation its input on how much to spend on vet care. [You may be required to return the dog to the foundation for catastrophic illness/injury/vet bills if you elect not to obtain veterinary treatment, or may simply have to euthanize if it is agreed by breeder and foundation that treatment is too costly or extensive to afford.]
You are to properly train and socialize the dog.
Keep your dog in a warm, dry and clean environment, avoiding extremes of temperature. Outside temperature not to be lower than 45F.
If you want to show the dog we may be able to do this with IABCA again but will need to register the breed as no one has shown for years.
Puppy Checks:
Should be performed every ten days for every puppy in every litter. If there are any issues with puppies relating to health or temperament, an email should be sent to queensmother@gmail.com
Weight- accurate birth weight to the ounce or tenth of a pound. If puppy is not gaining weight, notify staff.
Sex and markings- double-check sex and that you are looking at the same puppy. With large litters it is easy to get puppies confused.
Bite- If you hold him and then push his teeth together and pull the skin around the mouth back, how do his top teeth align with the bottom? Are the top teeth slightly past the bottom ones, matching the bottom ones, or slightly behind the bottom ones? [scissors bite- very close bite with top teeth tightly over bottom teeth, no gap, level bite- bite is totally even and both sets of teeth align, no gap at all, underbite- lower teeth protrude past upper teeth, overbite- top teeth are protruded past lower teeth] Anything other than a scissors or a level bite should be declared to staff.
Skin and Coat- check for any missing hair patches, bite marks, mites, any legions including on the skull of the puppy. Notify if you find anything.
Skull- check skull for soft spots or abnormalities
Legs- take notice to the leg/body proportion of the puppy. If the puppy is extremely short legged or has crooked or bow legged appearance please notify.
Stomach- check stomach for soft spots, lumps and possible hernias
Eyes/Ears/Nose- Check for discharge and listen for coughing. Notify if anything out of the normal is found.
Gums- check that puppy gums are nice and pink, gums should bound back when pressed in slightly with finger.
Gait- watch how puppy holds himself, walks, runs and report irregularities.
Every 10 days is time to:
Photo puppies
De-worm pups & mom
Immunize as needed
Deep cleaning