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#1 Read the Frequently Asked Questions 

Welcome to the Get-A-Wag Club Breeding Program

We hope you will join Get-A-Wag Breed Foundation in our club mission to protect and perpetuate the heritage of these rare breeds.  We believe in raising puppies in home settings rather than kennel environments.  Breeding is only allowed by supervised breeders as the breed foundation approves each mating, assessing it for suitability to carry forward their lines. 

We are devoted to seeing these breeds improve and grow and new people are encouraged to breed.  You will trained in our breeding protocol and standards of care. We guard the health and future reputation of Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds as a group endeavor. 

FAQ Breeding Program

Please read this before submitting your Get-A-Wag breeder application

  • How Does One Become a Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeder ?
    We do welcome new people into the Get-A-Wag Club as a way to unify efforts for breed improvement.  Most people can join whether they have an exceptional dog experience or just an aptitude to learn, everyone must be willing to take guidance and direction from the foundation. Excellent communication skills are required, as you will work within a breed club and frequent contact is needed. Some buyers of Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle puppies plan to breed from the onset and we help them select appropriate mates. We also breed Pocket Bears which are developing into four breed types. Every breeding is planned and evaluated to get the best results. Our breeders are such a nice group of people. Everyone honors a one year heath warranty in placing their puppies. They find it very satisfying to have a hand in creating these new breeds of dogs. Start here by reading the FAQ, then fill out the online breeder application. Young people are encouraged to participate and apply but if you are not yet 18 years of age your parent must also apply.
  • What kind of training and support does Queens Beagle offer?
    What is your experience with animals and dogs? Have you helped with births? Have you had animals before? We have club members that will share our years of experience and the founder of the breed was a registered nurse (OB as a specialty), and breeder of a variety of farm animals, having more than thirty years experience with breeding dogs. Someone will be available by phone round the clock for emergencies if something were to happen you needed advice for. You will get direction if you want to expand into a larger breeding program. You can develop your own personalized line for the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle or Pocket Bear breed. The trademarked Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breed Foundation markets your puppies and keeps it's database and information for the registry. We help you arrange shipping by airline. The Breed foundation remains an ongoing support for emergency calls or general email questions for your puppy buyers from that time forward. As a breeder of Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles you will be continuing the work of re-creation of the miniature beagles that Queen Elizabeth I originally had. That line was lost but the memory of it has endured through the ages. Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles has made the smallest breed of beagles in the world. Some are only 4 lbs. as adult but they may be as large as  25 lbs. The Queen Elizabeth name is known through years of internet advertising and word of mouth.  Owners of our breed recommend us to their friends. Consumers are demanding more of our little dogs and willing to pay for them. Your support as a buyer of puppies and future breeder will ensure that this line does not die as Queen Elizabeth's did, but will go on to find it's place among the world's recognized dog breeds.
  • What are start up expenses to be a Queen Elizabeth Foster Parent/Breeder?
    Aside from the initial purchase of your puppies, start up expenses in breeding Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles or Pocket  Bears are minimal. You should have a working internet connection and computer and a good digital camera to send photos.  You need to purchase an inexpensive digital scale for weighing puppies. Having two large crates is a plus as is a fenced yard but its not required. Whelping your puppies seldom has other expenses attached. The puppies are easy to care for and the mothers usually do the whole birthing process by themselves. Biggest expense is dog food--you will stay away from corn based foods that cause skin allergies/digestive problems and choose the best nutrition for your dogs. We recommend Taste of the Wild puppy for puppies and Taste of the Wild Bison or 4-Health Small Breed Bites for adults. You'll be advised about cages, crates, exercise pens, bedding, and other aspects of breeding. And you will be instructed about proper immunizations and worming schedules and where to obtain medical supplies reasonably from catalog distributors.
  • What kind of return investment will you get as a Queen Elizabeth Foster Parent--Breeder?
    Our breeders work within this foundation because they truly care about the dog breed. Their greatest reward is in placing the sweet puppies they breed with their permenant families. If you want to be a Queen Elizabeth Pocket breeder, you will be part of the Get-A-Wag breed club. Your pups advertised on several paid & free classifieds on the web. Our prices are based on a solid reputation we have built over the years. People recognize the name and website and pay more for our puppies. Your puppy buyers pay the foundation through direct bank transfer or Western Union initially, but later you will take your own payments and send in the Foundation portion.  It is a cooperative commitment. You don't ship a puppy until you have your money.  The Foundation portion goes for advertising the puppies and developing new lines of the breeds. Everyone contributes this way to the expense of marketing of the puppies through the Foundation's website [] and multiple advertising sites. 5% of all sales are donated to Get-A-Wag puppies for special need children and adults. This is shared equally by foundation and breeder. The Foundation markets the pups and manages the sales. Part of the puppy profits are reinvested in buying new dogs to improve conformation. So we operate on a percentage basis. 60% goes to the owner of the parent dogs, and 40% returns to the foundation to cover all marketing, reinvestment, and administrative wages. Your portion as a breeder should more than compensate for expenses raising your dogs and puppies. We give advice and guidance too if you are new at breeding. [If foundation owned dogs are placed with families at no purchase cost the percentage is reversed with 60% going back to the foundation, 40% remaining with the contract foundation breeder.
  • How are Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles marketed for sale?
    All Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle and Pocket Bear puppies currently for sale are pictured on the breed Foundation's website for easy comparison. They are also advertised by the Foundation on numerous internet advertising pet classified sites. They are consistently priced according to size, sex, color, conformation, and age. We strive to make Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles look like tiny miniatures of the AKC Standard Beagle. The Pocket Bears command varying prices according to how closely they resemble the larger breeds they were named after. All our puppies are beautiful and pleasing their guardians as devoted pets. The Foundation sets all precedents and serves as a unifying force. It assures all breeders share the same high ideals in reproduction. And it models a consistent code of ethics in marketing as they manage all sales of the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle and Bear breeds. It also stands behind the sales contract and health warranty to reassure the buyers of puppies that their sale will complete as promised and that they will receive a genetically sound dog.
  • What is the role of the Queens Breed Foundation?
    The Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle Foundation is very involved in its organized network of individual breeders as an ever present support system. We work together as a club because the breeds are very young and we insist on superior health and smaller size and good temperament in our breed.  This can only be achieved as part of a breed club.This Foundation serves as Matchmaker and approves the matings, evaluating their results before planning future breedings. The dedicated families that raise our beagle and bear puppies share a single vision in how they go about miniaturizing their pocket beagles to teacup sizes, developing unique colors and coat patterns, while paying careful attention to good genetic health and stable disposition. The Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle Foundation believes we improved on the breed, not just miniaturized it. It's what people want today in a smaller dog.
  • What if I am not able to get a kennel or fence does that rule us out?
    No, it is easier to have the fenced yard but it won't rule you out. We don't want our guardians to let their dog out into the backyard and expect it will be safe to stay around. Too much can happen....a stray rabbit or cat, or a blowing piece of trash can fly by and the dog you thought would not run off is gone. Please keep it on a lead of some kind if you don't have a fence. Here's a common technique that works: You can fasten a plastic covered wire cable to the bottom of the house next to the door and pick up the snap on end as you are putting your dog through the door to clip on his collar, fastening him to the house if you can't stay with him every moment to potty. Some people do the very safest method of making an indoor potty place so the dog doesn't have to be let out multiple times a day. It means you don't have to get up early to let your dogs out.
    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



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