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 Get-A-Wag Emotional Support Animals: Puppies for Special Need Children & Adults
We're Turning Wishes into Wags!
Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles & Bears
Emotional Support Therapy Dogs

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles have been used as therapy dogs in homes where children and adults have special needs.  What makes them so well suited for this role?  They are primarily chosen because they are smaller in size than a regular beagle [usually between 10 and 15 lbs.] They can sit in your lap and are easy to pick up. 

But its their temperament that outshines the other service dogs.  They are loving and docile and smart to house train.  Not a nervous breed, they love all the members of the family.  But where the children are, the beagle will go, because they love kids and stay a puppy at heart.

Pocket Bears are hybridized Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles blended with pug and about a dozen other breeds.  This endeavor was done by a club of breeders making up the Get-A-Wag Foundation over the past 12 years.  We give one year health warranties for our puppies. 


See what puppies are available
as companion & therapy dogs

Therapy Puppy Family

Just wanted to thank you for giving us the chance to adopt ABBY...she is already stolen our hearts. She is so sweet and smart and will be a wonderful therapy dog for Lester!!!

Thank you again
Linda and Lester
July 16, 2014

Read more stories: Get-A-Wag's Children

who have received Get-A-Wag Puppies

The 'Get-A-Wag' Foundation draws contributions for its donation puppies through a portion of the sale of each puppy.  You may support our program by purchasing a puppy from Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles 5% of all sales go to 'Get-A-Wag' for deserving children

Therapeutic Visitation Dog

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle

June 2014 Get-A-Wag

Congrats to Girard  who recently got his second dog




    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



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