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 We Have Rottiebear Puppies
Directory of Rottiebear Breeders 

We Have Rottiebear Puppies!
Derived from Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles
One Year Health Warranty
Ground Transport or AIR SHIPPING

About this Breeder Directory:
There are approximately a dozen breeders of Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds around the nation.  More are being added to the directory as they renew their breeder contracts.  All Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle or Bear breeders agree to provide our foundation one year health warranty to their puppy buyers.  They also work together for the improvement of the breed and contribute to providing emotional support puppies to special need children and adults through the Get-A-Wag emotional support therapy puppy program.

Not ready to buy but want notification of each litter? 
You may 
Go on the Waiting List

Go on the Waiting List for a

Future Rottiebear Newborn

Bonzer Rottiebears of Tennessee 
Bonzer Rottiebears of Tennessee

Located near Cleveland, TN

Breeders of Queen Elizabeth Rottiebears

Offering one year health warranties

Puppies are up to date with immunizations and deworming

Click this link to see our
Available PUPPIES!
We Expect Puppies too!

Brom Bones Bears of Tennessee 
Brom Bones Bears of Tennessee

Located near Chattanooga, TN

Breeders of Bulliebears, Boxerbears, Rottiebears

Offering one year health warranties

Puppies are up to date with immunizations and deworming

Older Pups on Sale 

Brom Bones Bears of TN

See Past Sold Puppies Here

We Have Good References 

See Happy Buyers of
Already Placed Rottiebears

Good References

Our Puppies come with a One Year Health Warranty

Not ready to buy but want notification of each litter? 
You may 
Go on the Waiting List

Customer Service Available TEXT 812-278-4174


    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



    Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles ®
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