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 Queens Colors
Tricolor, Harlequin, TIger -- Color/patterns of greatest variety 
Welcome to our page describing colors of the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle.  Not every color is illustrated yet, but please vote for your favorite.
Silver Harlequin above is our
most well-known pattern

Tiger Brindle
Our latest creation

Queenie is a Tiger Beagle
with orange coat and black tiger stripes.

Charles Teacup

Silver Harlequin Tricolor Male Queens Beagle

Isabella Teacup

Female Silver Harlequin Tricolor

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle

    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



    Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles ®
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