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Elyza the Monkey promotes 'Get-A-Wag'
to help fund our puppies
given to children with special needs:
5% of every sale is donated!

Presenting........Elyza, the Cappuchin Monkey! 

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles has a furry little mascot, and no doubt about it, this little monkey is going to captivate you.  But this Queen is on a crusade:  Elyza will be introducing some Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles with a special mission in life as Get-A-Wag therapy dogs.

Elyza herself is a working service monkey to Terry, a head injury survivor from a multiple car crash of several years ago.  Two years later in 2006 Elyza came into our lives as a one month old baby and she has done wonders to improve Terry's morale and decrease his pain. 


Do we recommend monkeys as service animals? No, we do not, as they are complicated exotic animals that require careful handling. But we enjoy her so much, she is a rewarding part of our lives, and we in turn provide her with an interesting, loving home environment [and she loves our Florida vacations]!

What makes a good service animal? By far and above a devoted, gentle dog excels in that.  And the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle has a well-suited nature for this higher calling in life. There are several already working in that capacity including Journey, our much-loved family pet.  She is a fantastic emotional support dog to Terry and also Elyza!  They play very appropriately together and this gives Elyza a warm furry body to hug as well! 

Queen Elizabeth I may have created the first pocket beagles, but she was just following in her family's footsteps. The monarchs of England had always loved unusual pets!  Queen Katharine of Aragon [first wife of Elizabeth's father, King Henry VIII] kept a pet cappuchin monkey similar to Elyza.
Elyza promotes 'Get-A-Wag'
to help fund our puppies
given to children with special needs:

5% of every sale is donated!

    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



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