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 Military Families Can Get-A-Wag

Get-A-Wag Puppies for Military Families

We give purchase discounts to families in the military. Many full priced puppy can receive a discount up to half off their price. Sale priced puppies may receive additional price reductions too. Sometimes we offer free shipping. You can nominate a family for a military service discount.


December 2011 Heralds our First Family to
Get-A-Wag at Military Discount

Introducing Get-A-Wag military discounts for our enlisted soldiers and their families.

Ashleigh writes:     Being a Military wife is not easy. There are all kinds of rules and ups and downs. And being a new wife and being pregnant home all alone while my Husband is deployed overseas does not help. I have to take care of the house and do all of the house work and other things that need to be done without his help. So we wanted to get a puppy to keep me company while he is gone and to grow up with our daughter. Having a small puppy who needs to be taught right from wrong and learning all kinds of things is just like teaching a baby the difference from right and wrong. Taking care of a puppy that gets into everything and having to clean up after one is just a look into having to take care of a baby but its good practice. My husband wanted us to get a beagle and I wanted something smaller than a short legged beagle. We know that having a new baby and a new puppy at the same time may be hard at first but it will all fall into place. Having a puppy in our house will complete our home.

Webcam Photo of Kevin in Afghanistan

I was born in Virginia and Kevin and I met in his final year of High School. I Graduated from Randolph Henry in 2010. We have been together for almost 2 years and will be married a year on Christmas Eve. We both are into horses. He likes roping and I like barrel racing and other speed events and we both have trained horses.


Kevin is enlisted for four years.  He returned to the states this week. He shouldn't deploy for 14mos.
He arrived home just in time...

Because our baby is due December 11th

But this baby DOG arrived first!

December Get-A-Wag Military Discounted Puppy
Presented by North Carolina
Queens Carousel Beagles

And later....

Delilah Mae
Born December 10, 2011



Chocolate Tricolor Pocket Beagle
Queen Elizabeth Young Adult Male
Placed with a USA Veteran


    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



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