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Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle 

Queen Elizabeth Puppies of TN
Curly Coat Tricolor Pocket Beagle
Queen Elizabeth Male
DOB 01/29/21  Estimated 13 lbs. grown
Already Placed

Queen Elizabeth Puppies of TN
Curly Coat Tricolor Pocket Beagle
Queen Elizabeth Female $2200
DOB 01/29/21  Estimated 14 lbs. grown
Sold!  Congrats to Michelle

Silent Knight

Classic Black, Tan, White Tricolor
Estimated to grow to 10 lbs.

Teacup Male

Sold!  Congratuations and Merry Christmas

to Umberto and family

Dear Rick,

Just to let you know that little Quijote is doing very well with us in his new home.
He has been eating very well and was able to spend the night in his puppy bed in his crate almost with no crying.  He cried a tiny bit at first, but he stopped almost immediately when we gave him Deborah's sweatpants. He really loves them: he fell asleep on her legs when we were driving back home from the airport!
Today we took him to the veterinary and she told us that he is in great health. The vet really praised how well he was taken care of by you guys, she was really impressed since she told us many breeders don't take the puppies to the vet for shots, etc. She stressed many times what a great job you guys did with little Quijote and what a sweet healthy puppy he is. 
Thank you very much once again, we really love our little Quijote!

Umberto & Deborah

Kisses as a puppy.....

has gone as a young adult to be a future mother dog with permenant foster family in Arkansas.  Want to learn more about how you can raise puppies for pet and emotional support therapy dogs? 

Go here: Join the Club

Pictured below is a therapy puppy placement

Just wanted to thank you for giving us the chance to adopt ABBY...she is already stolen our hearts. She is so sweet and smart and will be a wonderful therapy dog for Lester!!!

Thank you again

Linda and Lester

July 16, 2014

CHUCK Teacup



Tiger Brindle

Sold, Congrats to Joshua


Tiger Brindle Female

Congrats to Trisha!


 Classic Tricolor TEACUP >10 lb. estimate

Female:   Congrats to Nicole

Martha Washington

 One Brown One Blue Eye!

Female:   Congrats to Alice


 Classic Tricolor TEACUP >10 lb. estimate

Female Congrats to Lynn


 Classic Tricolor Toy Size

Male:  Congrats to Doran!


Gold & White Bi-color

Male:  Congrats to Chase!

Silver Bell

Silver Harlequin Tricolor
Estimated to grow to 8 lbs.

Teacup Female $2000

Sold!  Congratuations and Merry Christmas

to Lizabeth and family

Christmas Carol

Sable, Tan, White Tricolor
Estimated to grow to 12 lbs.

Teacup Female $1800

Reserved!  Congratuations and Merry Christmas

to Heather and family

Jack Frost

Sable, Tan, White Tricolor
Estimated to grow to 12 lbs.

Ready for Christmas! Teacup Male $1800

Reserved!  Congratuations and Merry Christmas

to Dave and family

Recently Sold Puppies 

Mocha Harlequin

Blue Eyed
Teacup to Toy Female

Congrats to Karen

Mocha Harlequin

Blue-green Eyes
Teacup Female

Congrats to Marjorie


Gold & White Teacup Male

Sold!  Congrats to Jean

Gold & White Male

Sold!  Congrats to Gary & Julie


Chocolate Sable Female

River Song

Tiger Eclipse Female

Cafe' au Lait

Fancy Tricolor Male

Reserved for Barbara 

Diamond Dust

Silver Harlequin Female

 Blue eyed! Sold!


Teacup Tuxedo Coat Female

Already Purchased!

Carrot Cake

Teacup Silver Harlequin Male

Male Classic Tricolor Teacup
Ideal conformation & color


MARCI Teacup

Black Pied Tricolor Female

Future Breeder for Dianne

LUCY Tiny Teacup

Black Tricolor Female

Reserved by breeder

Clove Teacup

Male Fancy Tricolor

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle

Congrats to the Dickersons

Chocolate Tricolor

Green Eyed
Teacup Male

Congrats to Scarlett

Classic Black & Tan Tricoior

Toy Male

Congrats to new owners!

My Gal Chocolate Tricolor
Teacup Female

Congrats to Lynda

Brindle Sable Tricolor
Teacup Male
Sold!  Congrats to new owner


Teacup  Sable & White Male

 Sold! Congrats to Emily


Tiger Brindle Female


Red head & legs Tricolor Male

Congrats to Carey's family


Teacup Silver Harlequin Male

Congrats to new family


Teacup TIGER Male

Boston Creme

Teacup Silver Harlequin Male

Teacup Silver Harlequin Male


Congrats to Yelena

Silver Harlequin Teacup
  Blue-eyed Male


Mia Teacup

Female Mocha Harlequin Tricolor

Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle

Congrats to Stacy

Santa Claus

Teacup Tricolor Male

9 wks old on Christmas

Sold: Congrats to Cheryl

Saint Nick

Teacup Tricolor Male

9 wks old on Christmas

Sold:  Congrats to Bob

Sweet Gum

TINY! Teacup Brindle Female

Sold!  Congrats to Maria

Faux Fur

Teacup Mink Coat Female

Sold! Congrats to Patricia


Teacup Tricolor Female

Sold Congrats to Scarlett

Kid Gloves

Teacup Tuxedo Coat Female

Sold! Congrats to Jackie

Put'n on the Ritz

Teacup Mink Coat Male

Congrats to new family!


Teacup Copper & White Female

From Dee's Darlings of Iowa


TINY!  Teacup Tiger Brindle Female

Congrats to Valeri


Teacup - Toy Chocolate Tricolor Female

Congrats to new owner


Teacup Tricolor Male

Congrats to new owner

Apple Cobbler

Teacup Silver Harlequin Male

Congrats to new owner

Angel Cake

Teacup Harlequin Female

Congrats to to new owner


Red & White Sable Male

Congrats to Pamela

This puppy is a therapy dog for David


Teacup Golden Harlequin Male

Congrats to Rick for his future sire

    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.



    Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles ®
    Copyright 2002-2025  All rights reserved