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 Josiah Gets Shelby
Josiah is Get-A-Wag Receipient for November 2010


We have looked at your site and asked Jenny Coleman many questions..... and have more. Josiah has trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome with many other diagnoses after that. He is currently Hospital Home-bound from school due to his medical conditions. He has extremely limited exposure to the outside world for risk of illness which has resulted in multiple hospitalizations, surgeries, and throat closing episodes.  He also has many drug allergies making it hard to use antibiotics to fight infections... He is a very happy, loving and compassionate child! as you could see by the you tube at church. we have many times pondered a working dog for him as we have been told that they can be trained to alert us to his throat closing. The sizes of the dogs we have seen at conferences scare him as they are so large (he is still about the size of a toddler and almost (8 years old). He has also been very upset around anxious dogs such as a friend's "Yorkie". So a very peaceful dog may be a companion that he would benefit from since he mostly stays within our house.... hopefully that will change one day.
We believe Josiah would benefit from an extremely peaceful and calm dog, Jenny said that you had some in mind and we did see the video on your site can you tell us about the temperment of the dog you were thinking for Josiah? Is the  care for them complex? Do you know if they can be trained as "working" dogs? Do they bark constantly at every noise? etc etc.... We are very excited that this is a possibility for Josiah. We look foward to hearing from you!!!

Thank you so very much!
Dan & Leslie Conway
(on behalf of Josiah)
This is the puppy we placed with Josiah.  He had been played with by our breeder's own son and we chose him because he was a very calm easy-going pup that would be gentle and loving with Josiah.
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