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 Christian Gets William
Christian was nominated for November's Get-A-Wag by his aunt Wendy
 Christian is 11 years old, living in Virginia with his grandparents. His aunt is Wendy and she nominated him to receive a free therapy puppy from Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank-you so much for selecting Christian for one of your puppies.  It really means the world to me and our family.  I will have some better pictures for you ...
the group picture on my porch is of myself  (his aunt), my children (Katie & Blake), my Mother (Geni, who has custody of and is raising Christian)
and the really cute little guy in the front is Christian, the horseback riding picture, he is the child on the white with spots pony,

and the picture is of him with my son and Honey the Alpaca. 
Wendy Newbegin
Prince William arrival date is November 15, 2011
Wendy writes:
"Christian is my 11 year old nephew, who has autism, although he is high functioning, it is still a daily struggle and  emotional challenge and he has difficulty making friends. Also his father, my younger brother passed away in 2006, so Christian is now being raised by his grandparents.

Last summer Christian came to Tennessee to visit me on my farm and fell in love with my dogs, it was amazing to see the bond they made in the short amount of time they were together and the joy that their unconditional love and acceptance brought him. After spending time with me at my farm and with my dogs all he has talked about is wanting one of his own and that is what he has even asked for for Christmas and in researching what type of dog would be good for him I came across your web site. 

I think Christian would greatly benefit from the bond a boy and a dog share.  Being that his grand parents are retired and on a fixed income as well as his grandfather is disabled with COPD, it would be difficult for them to afford the purchase of a puppy, however the vet care would not be a burden."
Letters from Christian,
New Guardian of Prince William for November Get-A-Wag

Hi Miss Jayne
Thank you so much for Prince William.
He is adorable and is sitting beside me
right now.I love it when he does his
prairie dog stand. He has such beautiful
eyes and likes to play ball. I take him
for short walks. When I go to school
he rides in the car with me and snuggles
up to me. It is  so exciting to have him!
We are becoming best friends for ever
Also thank you for my book.
      Love, Christian

Lady Jayne of Kentucky Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles
donated Prince William to be November's Get-A-Wag
Hi  Miss Rebecca,
Thank you for helping me get a puppy.
William is terrific! Right now he's adapting well,
 even though he"s  a little shy, Did you know
 he can stand like a prairie dog? it"s so cute/amazing.
He gives me little dog kisses right on the cheek.
I take him for short walks. He rides in the car
 to take me to school. He is becoming  my best friend.
from Christian

Dear Christian:
Yes, William lived at my house, and I do remember him sitting straight up to beg like a little trick dog. 
But you are right... he looks like a prairie funny! 

I'm so glad you like him.  Thank you for writing! 
Please send us more pictures and stories and we will publish them too.


Hi Rebecca,
William is wonderful.  Christian says he is spectacular. 
They are becoming buddies.  I can not thank you enough for helping Christian get his puppy.
  He is so excited  and it is such a joy to watch him laugh at William's antics.
    Every Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle breeder sells their puppies through this website maintained by the Queen Elizabeth Pocket Breeds Foundation. Prospective puppy buyers have a unique opportunity to do their own comparative shopping in one place as every puppy available anywhere will be listed here.


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