Brian Gets JellyBelly |
Brian Received JellyBelly August 18, 2010
A letter from Brian's mom:
Just a quick note Rebecca to let you know how thankful we are of the work and generousity you and Candy have shared with us. Brian is oh so happy with Jelly Belly. They have become quick friends. We are training daily and he is doing well. Crate training is going beautifully :) Very smart breed. Brian was over the moon when Jelly Belly, Candy, and Lauren got here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing such joy to our son. He goes straight to Jelly's crate every am to let him out and start the day. We don't have as many melt downs when frustrations get to be too much, because now when he throws himself on the floor (because he can't do something anymore) Jelly is there licking his face!! He is a sweet pup that came from a sweet crew!! I can't sing Candy's praises enough, she is such a wonderful person. She was more than a delight. Thanks again for all you all have done for our family.
Kristy Beckley
You are so very welcome, Kristy. I am glad that he has worked into your family so well. I love the description of JellyBelly licking your son's face when he went to the floor! It makes me very happy to hear how Brian is responding to him. Let me know if he starts calling the dog. That would be amazing, huh?
I will share this on the website for other parents who might be considering a puppy. I wonder if all our pups shouldn't be a bit older like your puppy when they go to a special needs child? JellyBelly, being older, seems to be more sensitive to Brian's needs instead of just being a litte attention-sponge himself. Candy told me that JellyBelly seemed to instinctively seek to be near Brian from the moment he saw him, even over your other children that were there too. That was special. It's like he was meant to go there.
I'm going to be writing a collection of stories about Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles that seem 'meant to be' where they were placed, including one very special dog who had to find his own way home. So if anything remarkable happens with JellyBelly please share it to be included in the collection.
Thank you again for letting us enjoy a puppy with you. We loved the experience and can't wait to give another one away!
We sent this letter to notify the media of the big event!
I'm Rebecca VanMeter, founder of Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles' Get-A-Wag program. We place puppies with special needs children. The first puppy to be donated is going to one of your local children this Wednesday. We would like to invite you to cover event.
Our representative Candy McNabb of Candyland Kennel in Hartly, Delaware donated this miniature beagle. She and her daughter will drive this puppy to Montpelier, Virginia to meet Brian Beckley on Wednesday about 3:30. Brian is only four years' old, and will receive the program's first Get-A-Wag free puppy. [See intro portal to the program here: http://www.queenelizabethpocketbeagles.com/
Brian's story is going to inspire and touch your heart. He suffered a rare hemorrhagic childhood stroke this past February, and had to have brain surgery to save his life. He has worked so hard in the following months of rehabilitation, and just had successful reconstructive surgery last month! He is improving greatly, but still uses a walker to compensate for weakness on one side. He is looking forward to getting Jelly-Belly the tricolor miniature Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagle he has been anticipating receiving for two months! Just looking at his pictures everyday has been a moral booster after surgery. Now he's well enough to get him. And we know these little dogs can do much to the heal wounds we can't see. Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles make great emotional support therapy dogs. We think JellyBelly will encourage Brian to keep moving into his most complete recovery! What child can resist a puppy?
Brian is such a cute little boy and has a sparkling smile. He is learning to talk again! Seeing he and his two siblings this Wednesday afternoon receive their puppy will make a great human interest story to share with your community. Brian's mother and father Kristy and Brian Beckley have agreed to have the media present for this event. It is planned out-doors to happen at the moment Brian's brother and sister arrive home on the bus. Candy will present the puppy to Brian and delight their whole family.
Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles are the smallest rare breed hound in the world. A house-pet, not a hunter, they seem to intuitively know what you want. We hope news media coverage will help to expand this program as we are determined to continue giving puppies away and we'd like to recruit sponsors. We have another puppy already donated by Tina York of Countryside Kennels in Seagrove, North Carolina. We determine to turn no deserving child away! If you know a child that is handicapped, and whose family can provide a loving, stable home for a puppy, yet don't have the funds to buy one, please notify us at queensbeagle@gmail.com. We will give that child the latest Get-A-Wag puppy or at least make another one most affordable.
This is Brian before reconstructive surgery of July 2010